2 max potent(2x) fire/water Or 2 charged(3x) fire/water not maxed.

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  • Chèri Tan ★★★
    Chèri Tan 7y ago
    ranger avatar L67
  • ♐️Sagittarius ♐️
  • 8y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Fer Manzano
    Fer Manzano
     ·   ·   · 
    comment picture
  • 2 max potent(2x) fire/water Or 2 charged(3x) fire/water not maxed.
    I can level the two charged specials to level 30 if you accept
    Fer Manzano  ·  ·  · 
    Fer Manzano I can level the two charged specials to level 30 if you accept
    offer accepted   ·    8y ago · translate
    Chèri Tan ★★★
    Chèri Tan Do you perhaps have 2 fire or a fire and a water?
    8y ago · translate
    Fer Manzano  ·  ·  · 
    Fer Manzano I have two fire one is 3x and the other is 2x
    8y ago · translate
    Chèri Tan ★★★
    Chèri Tan Then I'd like them both maxed Fer
    8y ago · translate
    Fer Manzano  ·  ·  · 
    Fer Manzano Sounds like a deal
    8y ago · translate
    Chèri Tan ★★★
    Chèri Tan That's a Deal Fer, 1 fire charged maxed and 1 fire potent maxed for the Megadrone/ Our trade will be a bit later.
    8y ago · translate
    Chèri Tan ★★★
    Chèri Tan at the November 27 1 potent fire / at November 28 1 charged fire and the Megadrone Please put this in agenda, thank you!
    8y ago · translate

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