Its level max. LF maxed specials or kappa, chiller, sugar feeder.

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  • Ludovic B. ★★★
    Ludovic B. 2y ago
    ranger avatar L70
  • t('-'t)
  • 8y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Ludovic B.
    Ludovic B.
    ★ ★ ★
    Venom Mender · 1
    Earthrider rock
    Yulia S.
    Yulia S.
     ·   ·   · 
    Snipe Protector · 1
    Magmadon fire
  • Its level max. LF maxed specials or kappa, chiller, sugar feeder.
    this one..
    Yulia S.  ·  ·  · 
    Yulia S. hi. how many and what kind of specials would you want? x2? x3? x5? or any? thanks
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Ludovic B. Wind and water, and can do mix. Like X potent and X energized.
    8y ago · translate
    Yulia S.  ·  ·  · 
    Yulia S. so for your mob you want 2 -one wind and one water maxed? am i correct?
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Ludovic B. 2 max energized sounds correct.
    8y ago · translate
    Yulia S.  ·  ·  · 
    Yulia S. ok i just want to be deal?
    8y ago · translate
    Yulia S.  ·  ·  · 
    Yulia S. this one..
    Magmadon fire
    Protector · 1
    offer accepted   ·    8y ago · translate
    Yulia S.  ·  ·  · 
    Yulia S. i will give you some supper, and 2 maxed specials. and i will get your super and 2 your not maxed specials
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Ludovic B. Yes. You will get my super and 2 specials level 1 against your Magmadon and 2 energized maxed specials. Do you have them ?
    8y ago · translate
    Yulia S.  ·  ·  · 
    Yulia S. yes I have super and specials but they aren, t maxed yet. but I have 12 days to trade
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Ludovic B. Yes, show them to me on Facebook when they will be maxed !
    8y ago · translate

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