A complete catalog of all Battle Camp monsters and their event history. See their stats, evolutions, and max potential with the damage calculator. Even see if your monster is perfectly evolved with the PE calculator!

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zodiac boost:
element: fire
power rating: 16k
× level: 40
attack: 463
health: 3,975
recovery: 358
crit chance: 0%
defense: 0%
feed value: 420
location: event grab event grab
added: v4.2.0
events: Celestial Towers05-09-2023
Celestial Towers08-09-2022
Celestial Towers08-18-2020
Celestial Towers03-24-2020
Celestial Towers05-16-2018
Celestial Towers08-01-2017

This monster's fearsome charge sticks you between a fire and a hard place.
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