Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last two events: 1,384th
  • 3.2m power rating pr avg: 202k
    troop flag16/25 rangers
    troop pet L23  56.0m hp
  • Est. January 21, 2015

    🔥New flame🔥is an active and friendly troop. Currently we are looking for active players with 300k pr or above. We help each other grow and are aiming for super tier.

    🔹‼️Line App is required for troop communication ‼️
    B/Ohio, Blaxterblade, lxmysticxl
    🔹Br/Dominion are the main events
    🔹Participation in all events are required
    🔻0 trophiesin 3 days=👟
    🔻minimum trophies are required for all events and posted in line
    🔻failure to meet minimum trophy count 2x=👟
    🔹Pet our 🦁2x a day and post on line
    🔹Feed 🍖1 weekly Donate 1k weekly and post on line
    🔹notify admins if inactive
    🔻failure to notify and inactive for 2 days=👟
    🔹Having difficulty to meet rules will result sending you to our sister troop where you can focus on getting stronger and coming back to main troop.

    😎Remember we are here to help grow and have fun.🎉🎉
  • 1,957 th tier 36
    Team Brawl
    3y ago
  • 1,384 th tier 36
    3y ago
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