Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last one events: 1,138th
  • 183k power rating pr avg: 61k
    troop flag3/25 rangers
    troop pet L1  1.0m hp
  • -Rules-
    -If you are not active for more than 5 days, strike, 3 strikes, kicked-
    -Donate 1000 stones each month, and to join donate 5000-
    -Feed one special each month-
    -During events the required amount of trophies is 2000 per person-
    -Like ALL achievements-
    -Pet the troop pet daily-
    -Use all digs daily, complete 1 mission a day-
    -Be kind!!!😁-


    -Let me know your Zodiac-

    -Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present!!!-

    -Here’s the troop discord: https://discord.gg/RxangDBW-

    -If you have any other questions ask

  • 1,138 th tier 36
    Final Judgement
    2y ago
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